Golfer's Elbow

If you’re experiencing elbow pain, you might be suffering from an injury called golfer’s elbow. While it is common among golfers, they are not the only ones to experience it. Our team at Vitality Chiropractic in Highlands Ranch, CO, shares below what this injury is as well as how a sports injury chiropractor near you can help even if you aren’t an athlete.


Understanding Golfer’s Elbow

Your elbow is made up of a complex joint and various soft tissues that are used during many activities. While it’s true that golfers, tennis players, and other athletes do tend to use their elbows more than most of us, everyone uses their elbows every day – including when you’re holding your phone or typing.

When the tissues of the elbow are overused during any of these activities, they need time to recover. However, many of us are always activating these tissues, so proper recovery sometimes doesn’t happen. As such, the tissues can’t heal properly, potentially leading to chronic tension, scar tissue, and pain that can make using your elbow difficult.

Chiropractic Care for Golfer’s Elbow

Chiropractors offer various techniques to help treat issues throughout the musculoskeletal system, including the elbows. One of the most commonly used techniques is chiropractic adjustment. Restoring alignment through chiropractic adjustment may help  relieve pressure and strain on the tissues, which may help reduce pain, inflammation, and tension.

Soft tissue techniques may also be effective in treating your elbow pain. Treatments such as soft tissue mobilization can be used to help break up scar tissue, reduce muscle tension, reduce inflammation, restore range of motion, and more. Therapeutic exercises can also play an integral role in healing, as they stretch and strengthen weakened, tightened, or damaged areas as well as support proper alignment. Lifestyle adjustments may also be recommended to address the factors that led to your injury and pain.

Get a Chiropractic Adjustment from a Sports Chiropractor Near You

Don’t let elbow pain due to golfer’s elbow keep you sidelined. Schedule an appointment with our team at Vitality Chiropractic in Highlands Ranch, CO, by calling (303) 346-7095 today. Contact us for a chiropractic adjustment from a sports chiropractor near you.

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